7 Online Marketing Ideas – Part 1, Video Production, Salt Lake Utah

We have an opportunity to evaluate and evolve how we do business to grow revenue and profits. Online marketing represents a tremendous opportunity for growth, as more business is conducted online now more than ever before. Here are the first 4 of 7 online marketing ideas you should embrace to be successful.

7 Online Marketing Ideas - Part 1, Video Production, Salt Lake Utah
7 Online Marketing Ideas – Part 1, Video Production, Salt Lake Utah

1. Ignore your website at your own peril. You’ve put it off long enough; it’s time to get serious about your website. As the endorsed online marketing consultant for a variety of industrial associations, I review hundreds of distribution websites each year. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are just awful. While you may have been able to get away with this in the past, you will not get away with it going forward.

The changing face and needs of your customers, combined with the rise of online technologies in the workplace, have rendered your neglected website inadequate. If you use Google on a daily basis to research products and companies, don’t you think your customers do too? Make it a priority to turn your website into a customer-focused sales machine. If you want to see an example of a distributor website that ‘gets it,’ check out www.foodservicewarehouse.com.

2. Abandon ‘megaphone marketing’ tactics. Megaphone marketing is shouting at many with the hopes of attracting a few; successful companies will realize that megaphone marketing tactics just don’t work. Examples of megaphone tactics include print advertising, yellow page advertising, directory advertising, untargeted banner advertising, cold calls and mass email blasts. Megaphone marketing tactics no longer work because of a fundamental shift in customer behavior. Customers don’t want to be interrupted and megaphone marketing is an interruption. Customers want to be in control of the information they receive. With megaphone marketing, the company is in control. So, what should you do?

3. Embrace ‘magnet marketing’ tactics. Magnet marketing overcomes the problems of megaphone marketing by putting the customer in control. Magnet marketing helps you get found by customers at the very moment they have a need for your products and services. It allows you to earn trust by providing customers with information they value to attract them to your website to do business. Examples of magnet marketing tactics include content marketing, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising and social media marketing.

Not only do magnet marketing tactics generate more leads and sales, but they are also less expensive. According to research, companies that focus on magnet marketing tactics have a 62 percent lower cost-per-lead than companies that focus on megaphone marketing tactics.

4. Content marketing is becoming the new advertising. Search engines, blogs, social networking sites and other online platforms offer you a tremendous opportunity to engage directly with customers. However, to get in front of them in the first place, you need great content. Spend less time focusing on traditional advertising, and spend more time creating great content.

People don’t choose to do business with you just because you offer the right products at the right price. They choose you because you and your team have valuable, specialized knowledge about the applications of your products. Lead with that specialized knowledge in your marketing by writing best practice articles, filming ‘how to’ videos, producing an insightful blog and creating educational guides and whitepapers. By marketing your knowledge instead of just marketing your products, you will create a unique differentiation in the marketplace.

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7 Tips for online Marketing on a Tight Budget – Part 2, Video Marketing, Orem Utah

5 – Search engine optimization.
When someone enters a search query into a search engine about something relevant to your company, obviously you want to be one of the first results displayed. So how do you make this happen? Essentially, you need to make your website more appealing to search engines. Do this by using keywords that are commonly searched, backlinking your site, customizing the headline and description, etc.

SEO can admittedly be a complicated and time consuming process, however the time needs to be spent here to ensure your website is getting found. Your best bet is usually going to be spending a bit more of your budget and hiring the right people to do the proper research.

7 Tips for online Marketing on a Tight Budget - Part 2, Video Marketing, Orem Utah
7 Tips for online Marketing on a Tight Budget – Part 2, Video Marketing, Orem Utah

6 – Blogging.
The more content on your site, the more opportunities there are for search engines to pick it up. Blogging can be a great (and free!) way to generate leads and links into your site. But don’t just be producing content to produce content. Write quality blog posts that will engage the readers. Guest blogging on more established blogs is another way to get more traffic to your own site.

7 – Social media.
Don’t just sign up for these services and then forget about them. Start being active on social media. These sites should be used to promote your blog posts and communicate with customers. However, most people don’t follow companies on social media unless the company gives them a reason to. So, of course, give them a reason!


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7 Tips for Online Marketing on a Tight Budget – Part 1, Video Marketing, Salt Lake Utah

The World Wide Web is a tool with endless limits. Creating and maintaining a business presence online is more practical than ever before. In fact, online companies are popping up out of the woodworks. However, sustaining a successful online business is easier said than done.

With the immense amount of information on the Internet and users largely having the control to view exactly what they want, getting your product in front of potential customers can be challenging to say the least. Today, times are tough. Most companies have little room left in their tight budget when it comes to marketing. Here are 7 tips to follow to develop a successful online marketing strategy on your startups limited budget.

7 Tips for Online Marketing on a Tight Budget - Part 1, Video Marketing, Salt Lake Utah
7 Tips for Online Marketing on a Tight Budget – Part 1, Video Marketing, Salt Lake Utah

1 – Know your market.
Your marketing strategy will never be successful if you do not have a clearly defined audience. Before you spend a dime on marketing, figure out your target market first. There’s no need to pay top dollar to hire a fancy market research firm. If you know your product, you should be able to figure out your market yourself. For example, who will be most interested in your product? Men or women? What is their age group? What are your customer’s interests? What is their likely financial situation?

Once you have a thorough profile of your customer, determining how and where to reach them is much easier. This step may take awhile, and that’s OK. If you start marketing before you have a clear customer profile though, you will likely be wasting your dollars in places that will never reach your customer. Just because Pinterest is growing rapidly, doesn’t mean your audience is the one making it grow.

2 – Set and reset goals.
Determine what you are looking to gain from online marketing. Increased awareness? Increased revenue? You will probably have multiple goals, but keep track of what they are so you can measure your success. When you reach your initial goals, set new goals so your company can continue to improve.

3 – Set a budget.
Now that you know who your target market is and have set goals, plan your budget accordingly. The good thing about online marketing is that you can be successful even when on a tight budget. A lot of platforms are available at no charge. However, sticking solely with free forms of online marketing might not be the best strategy for your company. Carefully determine what outlets are most necessary for your product and be willing to spend some money to get results.

4 – Brand yourself.
Set yourself apart from the competition. There are thousands of companies trying to sell products on the Internet. Thus, you need to make your brand unforgettable. This begins with your website. Your domain name should be your company’s name if at all possible. If there are other companies online with names similar to yours, you may even want to consider changing your name to one that will not be easily confused with another product. Acquiring a domain name has a fee involved, but using a hosting service is very affordable even for the smallest budgets.

The way you want your brand to be viewed by customers is really up to you. But once you figure it out be consistent and stick with it. Having a professional website and a strong social media presence is important here, but you should also take the time to interact with potential customers and build relationships with them. The main cost involved in this step is just the man hours put into the process, which will drastically be reduced when you’ve established your brand.


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Ten Powerful Marketing Tips for the Small Business – Part 2, Video Production, Orem Utah

6. Send A Second Offer To Your Customers Immediately After They’ve Purchased
Your customer just purchased a sweater from your clothing shop. Send a handwritten note to your customer thanking them for their business and informing them that upon their return with “this note” they may take advantage of a private offer, such as 20% off their next purchase. To create urgency, remember to include an expiration date.


Ten Powerful Marketing Tips for the Small Business - Part 2, Video Production, Orem Utah
Ten Powerful Marketing Tips for the Small Business – Part 2, Video Production, Orem Utah


7. Newsletters
Did you know it costs six times more to make a sale to a new customer than to an existing one? You can use newsletters to focus your marketing on past customers. Keep costs down by sacrificing frequency and high production values. If printed newsletters are too expensive, consider an e-mail newsletter sent to people who subscribe at your Web site.

8. Seminars/ open house
Hosting an event is a great way to gain face time with key customers and prospects as well as get your company name circulating. With the right programming, you’ll be rewarded with a nice turnout and media coverage. If it’s a seminar, limit the attendance and charge a fee. A fee gives the impression of value. Free often connotes, whether intended or not, that attendees will have to endure a sales pitch.

9. Bartering
This is an excellent tool to promote your business and get others to use your product and services. You can trade your product for advertising space or for another company’s product or service. This is especially helpful when two companies on limited budgets can exchange their services.

10. Mail Outs
Enclose your brochure, ad, flyer etc. in all your outgoing mail. It doesn’t cost any additional postage and you’ll be surprised at who could use what you’re offering.

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Ten Powerful Marketing Tips for the Small Business – Part 1, Video Production, Salt Lake Utah

1. Print your best small ad on a postcard and mail it to prospects in your targeted market.

People read postcards when the message is brief. A small ad on a postcard can drive a high volume of traffic to your web site and generate a flood of sales leads for a very small cost.


Ten Powerful Marketing Tips for the Small Business - Part 1, Video Production, Salt Lake Utah


2. No single marketing effort works all the time for every business, so rotate several marketing tactics and vary your approach.

Your customers tune out after awhile if you toot only one note. Not only that, YOU get bored. Marketing can be fun, so take advantage of the thousands of opportunities available for communicating your value to customers. But don’t be arbitrary about your selection of a variety of marketing ploys. Plan carefully. Get feedback from customers and adapt your efforts accordingly.


3. Use buddy marketing to promote your business.

For example, if you send out brochures, you could include a leaflet and/or business card of another business, which had agreed to do the same for you. This gives you the chance to reach a whole new pool of potential customers.


4. Answer Your Phone Differently.

Try announcing a special offer when you answer the phone. For example you could say, “Good morning, this is Ann Marie with Check It Out; ask me about my special marketing offer.” The caller is compelled to ask about the offer. Sure, many companies have recorded messages that play when you’re tied up in a queue, but who do you know that has a live message? I certainly haven’t heard of anyone. Make sure your offer is aggressive and increase your caller’s urgency by including a not-so-distant expiration date.


5. Stick It!

Use stickers, stamps and handwritten notes on all of your direct mail efforts and day-to-day business mail. Remember, when you put a sticker or handwritten message on the outside of an envelope, it has the impact of a miniature billboard. People read it first; however, the message should be short and concise so it can be read in less than 10 seconds.


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11 Video Marketing Tips to Help get you Started – Part 2, Video Marketing, Orem Utah

7 – Make it Catchy

Think about including a jingle in your marketing video. The point of a jingle is to get into your viewer’s head. If you create a short song that is catchy you have the ability to cause people to sing about your product or service throughout the day, which then leads to increased sales.


11 Video Marketing Tips to Help get you Started - Part 2, Video Marketing, Orem Utah
11 Video Marketing Tips to Help get you Started – Part 2, Video Marketing, Orem Utah


8 – Leave some questions open

A great way to engage users with video marketing is to leave a few questions unanswered or make your videos thought provoking. This will encourage your viewers to engage you with comments and will give you a chance to speak to them on a personal level. When you communicate with your viewers, you end up building a bond with them on a personal level.


9 – Keep an eye out for comments

If you are using videos as a part of your marketing campaign, closely monitor all comments and respond quickly. Many times other marketers will post a video comment to your page. Decide quickly if you are going to allow those types of comments to be placed on your YouTube page.


10 – Stay Natural

Do not script your videos. You should have a detailed outline such as a list of points you want to talk about. If you read from a script, you will quickly lose your audience. Instead, you should relax and be as natural as possible. Edit your video later to get rid of the unnecessary information.


11 – Be Unpredictable

Videos which are unpredictable work. If you can do something in your video which is surprising and yet not cheesy or lame, you’ll catch your viewer and they’ll share the video with family and friends. Go with cute, shocking or funny and avoid gory or juvenile humor as much as possible.

Hopefully these tips have given you some ideas and guidance that you needed. You may need to try several different strategies before you find the perfect one for your company, but diligence in trying will pay off! Use the advice from this article to help as you dive into the world of video marketing.


3 Internet Marketing Tips For Small Businesses, Orem Utah

1. Internet marketing is not a business model or a replacement for marketing basics

There’s a certain amount of confusion around this what Internet marketing really is. For some, Internet marketing is a business model – i.e. you have built an Internet based business. But for most small businesses, the Internet is a new media channel that can be used to reach your target market.

If you view Internet Marketing as another tool in your toolbox, then your mindset changes and you can apply basic marketing concepts to your efforts – that is who is my target audience, where can I find them and why would they want to connect and do business with my company?


3 Internet Marketing Tips For Small Businesses, Orem Utah, https://revmediausa.com


2. Internet marketing is not a quest for the most likes, followers and friends

Internet marketing is about building relationships and gaining visibility within your target market. Unfortunately there is something inherently important about fan counts, and it is human nature for people to check out your company profile on Facebook or Twitter and instantly judge them based on the metric of followers, friends or fans. But having many fake or uninterested followers does not help your business. So although growing your Facebook fans or Twitter followers organically seems tedious, those who follow you may actually care about and support your business. Using a service to quickly add 2000 fans only hurts you in the long run if you plan to do anything to market to these fans or followers.

3. Internet marketing is not about chasing the next new shiny object

Internet marketing is about creating a solid marketing plan, staying the course, evaluating your results and then modifying your activities as needed. I advise small business owners to create a marketing plan that’s flexible, can adapt to changes as the Internet evolves and fits your specific needs and overall marketing strategy. Not every new and improved online tool will be right for your business.


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8 Ways to Maximize Your YouTube Marketing Results: Part 2, Orem Utah

5 – Post a bulletin and alert subscribers

At the top of your channel is the Post Bulletin tab. You can create a bulletin and a link to a video that will appear on your subscribers’ and friends’ home pages. This is a great way to draw extra attention—and traffic—to your video.


https://revmediausa.com/alternate-home-page/  8 Ways to Maximize Your YouTube Marketing Results: Part 2, Orem Utah  5 - Post a bulletin and alert subscribers At the top of your channel is the Post Bulletin tab. You can create a bulletin and a link to a video that will appear on your subscribers’ and friends’ home pages. This is a great way to draw extra attention—and traffic—to your video. 6 - Use YouTube Ads People are going to YouTube and directly entering in search queries of what they’re looking for. You can bid on keywords for pennies on the dollar compared to what you pay for a Google text ad or even a Facebook ad and get a video, and a thumbnail of a video. Once you have your video submitted as a Promoted Video, it then has the opportunity to run what are called ‘CTA’ ads. CTA stands for ‘call to action.’ They’re clickable and they allow you to click right over from a video to a website.” 7 - Leverage other social media platforms Extend the reach of your video and make it more shareable by Blogging it, posting it to Facebook, Tweeting it, and submitting it to StumbleUpon.  Use a keyword-rich title, and fill your post with appropriate, complementary content. If you add your own sharing buttons on your blog, you can make it easier for other people to share your content. 8 - Review YouTube Insights YouTube has some powerful analytics that give you insight into who’s watching your videos and how they discovered them. You can gather information on an individual video or on all the videos you’ve uploaded. Reviewing your most-watched videos or the videos with the most community feedback (comments, likes, etc.) can point to what type of content resonates most with your target audience.    Like Rev Media on Facebook revmediausa.com   Thanks to Julie Perry and Rich Brooks for Information


6 – Use YouTube Ads

People are going to YouTube and directly entering in search queries of what they’re looking for. You can bid on keywords for pennies on the dollar compared to what you pay for a Google text ad or even a Facebook ad and get a video, and a thumbnail of a video. Once you have your video submitted as a Promoted Video, it then has the opportunity to run what are called ‘CTA’ ads. CTA stands for ‘call to action.’ They’re clickable and they allow you to click right over from a video to a website.”


7 – Leverage other social media platforms

Extend the reach of your video and make it more shareable by Blogging it, posting it to Facebook, Tweeting it, and submitting it to StumbleUpon.  Use a keyword-rich title, and fill your post with appropriate, complementary content. If you add your own sharing buttons on your blog, you can make it easier for other people to share your content.


8 – Review YouTube Insights

YouTube has some powerful analytics that give you insight into who’s watching your videos and how they discovered them. You can gather information on an individual video or on all the videos you’ve uploaded.

Reviewing your most-watched videos or the videos with the most community feedback (comments, likes, etc.) can point to what type of content resonates most with your target audience.


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Thanks to Julie Perry and Rich Brooks for Information

8 Ways to Maximize Your YouTube Marketing Results: Part 1, Orem Utah

1 – Create compelling videos.

Create content that addresses your audience’s needs. Your goal should be to create videos that are helpful, valuable and compelling to your prospects and clients. If you can blog about it, you can create a video about it. Your video content may consist of how-to’s, answers to frequently asked questions, expert interviews, screen video captures, slide shows and more.

https://revmediausa.com/alternate-home-page/  8 Ways to Maximize Your YouTube Marketing Results: Part 1, Orem Utah  1 - Create compelling videos. Create content that addresses your audience’s needs. Your goal should be to create videos that are helpful, valuable and compelling to your prospects and clients. If you can blog about it, you can create a video about it. Your video content may consist of how-to’s, answers to frequently asked questions, expert interviews, screen video captures, slide shows and more. 2 - Make your video findable. Your videos should be findable both within and outside of YouTube. Videos often appear on the first page of search engines, and are a proven method of leap-frogging your competition to the top of the search results page. The fact that Google owns YouTube can’t be overlooked. To make your video more findable, you’ll want to focus on titles, descriptions, and tags. Make sure your targeted keywords are in the first few words of your title, be as descriptive and keyword-rich as possible, and be sure to include any and all related keywords in the tags field. 3 - Brand your YouTube channel. Create a branded experience on YouTube. Consider your YouTube channel your “home away from home” by turning your channel into a destination. Create a custom background and choose your colors to match your branding. Choose “Player View” as your layout, and make sure your featured video is set to autoplay. Create playlists and feature your best content in the right column. 4 - Use annotations to build subscribers. You can add annotations to your YouTube videos that include clickable calls to action. These annotations appear on top of your videos for a specified length of time and can include links to other videos, playlists or channels, or include a subscribe option. This is also helpful if you have created a video with out-of-date information. Rather than deleting the video, you can create a new video. Then go back to the original video and embed a link that takes people to the updated, corrected version. Like Rev Media on Facebook revmediausa.com  Thanks to Rich Brooks for Information

2 – Make your video findable.

Your videos should be findable both within and outside of YouTube. Videos often appear on the first page of search engines, and are a proven method of leap-frogging your competition to the top of the search results page. The fact that Google owns YouTube can’t be overlooked. To make your video more findable, you’ll want to focus on titles, descriptions, and tags. Make sure your targeted keywords are in the first few words of your title, be as descriptive and keyword-rich as possible, and be sure to include any and all related keywords in the tags field.

3 – Brand your YouTube channel.

Create a branded experience on YouTube. Consider your YouTube channel your “home away from home” by turning your channel into a destination. Create a custom background and choose your colors to match your branding. Choose “Player View” as your layout, and make sure your featured video is set to autoplay. Create playlists and feature your best content in the right column.

4 – Use annotations to build subscribers.

You can add annotations to your YouTube videos that include clickable calls to action. These annotations appear on top of your videos for a specified length of time and can include links to other videos, playlists or channels, or include a subscribe option.

This is also helpful if you have created a video with out-of-date information. Rather than deleting the video, you can create a new video. Then go back to the original video and embed a link that takes people to the updated, corrected version.

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Thanks to Rich Brooks for Information



5 easy videos to add to your website, Orem Utah

1. Video Testimonials

For every business, testimonials are a must. A good testimonial can raise your clout and gain you even more customers. Since you should have some testimonials on your website anyway, why not use it as an opportunity to incorporate video? Ask some of your loyal customers if they wouldn’t mind giving you a filmed testimonial.

5 easy videos to add to your website, Orem Utah, revmediausa.com


2. Product Demonstration

If you have a product that needs some explaining, nothing is better to show how it works than a video. Even if your product isn’t overly complicated, a visual can show off your product better than any content can. Also, with a video, you can show your customers your product at all angles and really give them a feel of the product.


3. Introduction Videos

These videos are short videos that do a good job at introducing your business or product to the world. A good way to do an introduction video is to tell a story. You can tell the history of your company, how your product came about or how your service helps your customers. They go great on a homepage, and let you customers get a little more personal with you.


4. Customer Service Videos

Not only will customer service videos give you a good way to speak to your customers, they can also cut down on the amount of customer service calls you get. Think of the most common questions you get asked, and make a video explaining the answers to them and place them all into a FAQ section.


5. Video Blog

Instead of writing your blog, why not video, or vlog, it? keep your videos short, but informative. Just like a regular blog, you want to make sure that you give your customers something of value with your vlog. And as always, make sure that you incorporate SEO tactics into the written text to get more hits.


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Thanks to Cutting Edge Marketing for Information